Guardian ad Litem, The Truth

In contested custody cases the court will often appoint a Guardian ad Litem (GAL). The attorneys of our firm have been appointed as a GAL in highly contentious and complex custody cases. A GAL is …

Understanding Discovery?

We often use words that we are familiar with but others may not understand. This is very true when it comes to law. Because we deal with the court system everyday we are used to …

What is Gross Income?

Gross income is a funny thing. We think we know what it means. It’s an important concept in family law because gross income is used when calculating spousal support, child support and is the basis …

Surviving a Divorce

There are many challenging aspects to a divorce. One of those issues that we see many families struggle with is the issue of finances. In New Mexico divorce laws allow for what is known as …

Summer is Around the Corner

As we sit and shiver in the frigid temperatures, it really is time to start thinking about summer and what you will do regarding vacations and time sharing in the summer. It may seem like …

A New Year and a New You

This is the time of year everyone starts talking about resolutions. Gyms are full, diets are going in full swing and people are optimistic about the future. In that same vein are you optimistic about …

Trials Happen

Contrary to popular opinion very few cases make it to an actual trial. When it does it’s important to be prepared. A trials involve complexities that are specific to each case. By the time you’ve …

Important Tips for the Holidays

Every year parents throughout NM struggle with the holidays. Not because of shopping and baking and gift buying, but because of holiday time sharing nightmares. We frequently are asked to address holiday issues during this …

Scientific Principles About Custody

Science and custody…seems like a strange combination. However, the law contemplates that there will be scientific evidence introduced in a custody case. That is why a person undergoing a custody case needs to be aware …