There is a lot of misunderstanding about sole legal custody and joint legal custody. In New Mexico when you talk about legal custody all you are really talking about is who makes the the major …
How to Overcome Sole Legal Custody
Some people are living with a custody situation where the other party was granted sole legal custody. This is a challenging situation whenever one is faced with such a dilemma. This is especially true in …
3 Tips on How to Handle an Aggressive Ex Partner
We see this occur so much in our practice. Whether it involves a child or not, some people must deal with a very challenging and aggressive ex partner. The best advice and the high road …
How to Handle a Change in Custody
A change in custody can be exciting and scary. Of course, one’s perspective depends on what is happening. If you are losing custody then there are a whole host of emotions that go into such …
Military Retirements and Disability
We receive lots of inquiries about veterans and their benefits. This is because several of our attorneys also handle VA disability cases and are VA accredited attorneys. To set the records straight and to help …
10 Tips for Being the Best Witness Possible
While most people do not cherish the opportunity of litigating their custody case or child support situation, the fact is that many cases do, in fact, require court appearances. This means that aside from making …
2 Tricks People Use to Cheat on Child Support
As we approach the end of the year, there are many folks beginning to think of Christmas, the New Year and…tax planning. For those involved with child support cases, it’s important to be aware of …
How CYFD Impacts on a Custody Case
Often complex custody cases involve some serious allegations and problems. Issues of child abuse are very common when it comes to serious custody cases. Here is some guidance on how a CYFDimpacts on a custody …
The Importance of Depositions in a Custody Case
When people think of depositions they are usually thinking of big money challenging corporate type of cases. Most attorneys fail to consider the use of depositions in a custody case. They are mistaken and wrong! …
Unique Evidence to Use in a Child Support Case
The use of evidence in a child support case is very important. This is because child support cases are so fact specific. A lot of attorneys who handle child support cases limit themselves in terms …