We represent many people involved in the child support system. Most of our clients are considered “high wage earners.” As such they often ask “why is child support modifiable?” At first blush it may seem …
How to Fight Back Against an Out of Control Expert
There are times where an expert in a custody case is out of control. They ask for information or are rude and over the top in their approach. More often than not, these experts take …
Has the Expert Gone Fishing?
Judges increasingly use court appointed experts to help them make decisions in complex custody cases. Such cases usually involve abuse allegations, major psychological concerns or extreme conflict. As such, the expert will undertake a systematic …
The Qualifications of a Custody Expert
With courts using custody experts more and more, parents need to make sure that their custody expert is qualified to make decisions that will have life changing consequences. Too often people simply rely on their …
What Experts Do in Custody Cases
Custody experts are tasked with giving a recommendation to the court that outlines the best interests of the child involved in the case. To do this the custody expert employs multiple methods of gathering facts. …
The Use of Experts in Custody Cases
More and more frequently courts are turning to experts to assist them in making decisions regarding custody. While the use of experts has been going on for a while the challenging of experts is a …