Many people don’t think about how their job and occupation can impact on their custody case. Frequently we see people coming to the realization (the hard way) that their occupation has a direct impact on …
Consider a New Approach to Child Custody—A child centered approach
The standard for determining custody and time sharing in NM is based on a determination of what is in the best interests of a child. There is, however, no clear cut definition of custody. Often …
Custody & Time Sharing
What is the difference between custody and time sharing? When we meet with people we generally hear people use the term custody to really refer to how much time they spend with their child. It’s …
High Income and Child Support
In New Mexico the child support guidelines are used to determined ongoing child support obligations. However, those guidelines end at a combined gross monthly income of $30,000. While most people cannot even fathom that sort …
What is the Best Interests of the Child?
Family law, like other types of law, involve different types of “burdens of proof” or standards. For example, in a criminal case, the burden of proof is that the state must prove “beyond a reasonable …
Imputed Income
A huge consideration in child support or alimony cases is the issue of imputed income. Imputed income means income that the other party is CAPABLE of earning. How much are they capable of earning? It …
What is your Income?
The most basic question that must be answered in determining child support and spousal support (alimony) is “what is your income?” This is fundamental because child support guidelines determine payment obligations based on, among other …
Top Ways to Hurt your Custody Case
Over the years we’ve seen many people make mistakes when it comes to their custody case. Despite advice to the contrary, many people are their own worst enemy. Thus, here is some advice on things …
How to Prove Paternity
The parentage of a child is a significant question. The answer to the question comes with lifetime responsibilities and benefits. Inheritance, child support, custody, personal injury, gifts, etc. are all impacted by the issue of …
When you think of emancipation you may only think of when a “child” turns 18. However, New Mexico law allows for the emancipation of minors in another area. If the child is over a certain …