Child custody can be a major source of stress and conflict for families, and the process of determining custody can be difficult and emotional. In the United States, the best interests of the child are …
Should I call the police in a custody dispute?
Child custody is often a contentious issue in family law, but once the matter is settled, it is assumed that both parties will abide by the terms. However, this is not always the case. One …
How to get Child Support in New Mexico
For parents going through a separation or divorce, child support is an important issue to resolve. Both parents are typically expected to contribute to the costs of raising a child, and child support is intended …
When Does Spousal Support End?
The care and support of children is often a major issue in the event of a relationship breakdown in New Mexico. Child custody and child support are common areas of disagreement, but they can often …
Spousal Support In New Mexico
When a marriage in New Mexico ends in divorce, the court may order one spouse to pay alimony or spousal support to the other spouse to prevent financial hardship and help with the transition to …
Is child support impacted by custody?
In New Mexico, child custody and child support issues often become the main points of contention in divorces. If separating couples cannot come to an agreement about the custody of their children, the court will …
What Happens If You Miss Your Visitation
When couples get divorced in New Mexico, parenting and child custody arrangements generally include visitations for each parent. It is important to follow these court-ordered schedules as closely as possible because if you miss visitations …
Do you need a prenup?
Prenuptial agreements, also known as prenups, are contracts that determine how a couple’s assets will be divided in the event of a divorce. These agreements are becoming more common, especially among millennials who have waited …
Protecting Your Child During a Family Law Situation
When it comes to family law matters, it is important to make sure that the best interests of the child are considered. To ensure that this is the case, it is important to choose an …
Military Divorces in New Mexico
Military divorces are different from civilian divorces in that certain aspects of these divorces are governed by federal law, rather than state law. This can make the process more complicated, and it is important to …