How to Establish Paternity

Paternity issues are governed in New Mexico by the Uniform Parentage Act. Paternity means fatherhood. Establishing paternity gives your child a legal father. This is important because it establishes rights to inheritance, custody and child …

How to Terminate Parental Rights

Termination of parental rights in New Mexico is a tricky subject. We often have people who have no relationship with a child, owe a tremendous amount of back support and seek to terminate their parental …

What is Emancipation?

The idea of emancipation arises in two contexts under New Mexico law. First, a child who has reached the age of 16 and who is living on their own and can prove that they are …

Do Grandparents Have Rights?

We often hear people contacting us to discuss grandparents rights. While we understand what they are asking the requests are really wrong. This is because in a strict sense, grandparents do not have “rights” to …

How to Handle a CYFD Investigation

One of the worse things a parent can go through is coming face to face with a CYFD investigation. The humiliation, fear and intimidation that comes from a CYFD investigation may feel overwhelming. Here are …

What To Do When Your Child Has Bruises

Imagine this event. You send your child to the other parent’s house for the weekend, per your parenting agreement. The child never has had a problem going before but this time seems different. The child …

What Does Sole Legal Custody Mean

There is a lot of misunderstanding about sole legal custody and joint legal custody. In New Mexico when you talk about legal custody all you are really talking about is who makes the the major …

How to Overcome Sole Legal Custody

Some people are living with a custody situation where the other party was granted sole legal custody. This is a challenging situation whenever one is faced with such a dilemma. This is especially true in …

3 Tips on How to Handle an Aggressive Ex Partner

We see this occur so much in our practice. Whether it involves a child or not, some people must deal with a very challenging and aggressive ex partner. The best advice and the high road …