Domestic violence has become a hot topic in recent years. With more information about abusers and the abused society is more aware of this once behind closed doors epidemic. With the rise in concern for …
Types of Custody Cases
Custody cases arise in several different contexts. It’s important to understand the context of your custody case because different laws impact on the custody determination in different ways. Here are the types of cases that …
What is Community Property?
New Mexico is a community property state. Community property is all property that was acquired during marriage. Sounds simple right? Well it gets more complicated in real world application. But, first…why even worry about community …
What Makes us Different in Family Law
There are 3 reasons why the Justice Legal Group is different. With our experience of more than 20 years we’ve developed our unique positioning through much trial and error. First, we are different because of …
Why Processes Matter in Family Law
Every case is different. Every case is the same. Let’s explain this. All cases are different. There are different facts, different players, different circumstances. This is pretty obvious. A divorce case is different from a …
3 tips to help your Child Custody Case
Child custody cases can be very exhausting, both mentally and financially. There is nothing more precious than your child(ren). When you are involved in litigation regarding your child it’s important to understand that it’s a …
Understanding a Guardian ad Litem
NM law allows for courts to appoint Guardian ad Litems in custody cases. The types of cases that usually get a GaL appointed are those that have unique issues or are highly contentious. The whole …
Understanding Interim Division
There is a little known aspect of a divorce that impacts almost every family. People are usually aware of child support and spousal support but very few people have heard of interim division. The theory …
What is the Age for Decision on Child Custody
We are often presented with the question of “when can my child decide who he wants to live with?” This is a legitimate question, especially when you have a situation where the child keeps telling …
What Worksheet to Use in Child Support
There are two types of child support worksheets in NM. Worksheet A and Worksheet B bring a lot of fights to court. Here are the basics of which worksheet to use: worksheet A is used …