Understanding a Guardian ad Litem

NM law allows for courts to appoint Guardian ad Litems in custody cases. The types of cases that usually get a GaL appointed are those that have unique issues or are highly contentious. The whole GaL system is governed by statute, however, courts usually give a great deal of leeway and latitude to a GaL.

A GaL is an attorney appointed to represent a child(ren). The statute has several jobs a GaL is supposed to perform. There is usually, however, a large divide between what the statute requires and the reality of practice. You must be prepared when dealing with a GaL. There are specific things that you can do to help yourself when dealing with a GaL.

Here are some broad ideas to help you.
1. Plan for your interaction with the GaL.
2. Have a plan of what you want accomplished.
3. Be aware of the negatives of what will be said about you and be prepared to address those with the GaL.

We can help you with you custody case and your interaction with the GaL. Contact us at 505-880-8737 or email us at info@justicelegalgroup.com.