High Net Worth Divorce

High net worth divorce is a term used to describe a divorce case in which the spouses have a significant amount of assets and income. These cases can be complex and require the expertise of an experienced attorney to ensure that the assets and debts are divided fairly and equitably.

At Justice Legal Group, we have a team of skilled attorneys who are experienced in handling high net worth divorce cases and can help you understand your rights and options. We will work with you to identify and value your assets and debts, negotiate a settlement that is fair and reasonable, and protect your interests throughout the divorce process.

In New Mexico, the law provides that all property and debts acquired during the marriage are considered community property and are subject to division in a divorce. This means that any assets or debts that you or your spouse accumulated during the marriage, regardless of who earned or incurred them, are considered to be owned equally by both of you.

Spousal support and child support are also big issues to focus on in high net worth divorces in New Mexico.  The court will consider a number of factors when determining how to award spousal support, including the length of the marriage, the age and health of each spouse, the earning capacity of each spouse, the standard of living during the marriage, and the financial needs and resources of each spouse.  These same factors are also considered when high net worth cases exceed the child support guidelines in statute.  This analysis is done under what is called Spingola factors.

If you are involved in a high net worth divorce case and have questions about the division of assets and debts, don’t hesitate to contact Justice Legal Group at 505-880-8737. Our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights.