There are many types of evidence that are commonly used at trial. Scientific and forensic types of evidence can be extremely helpful in proving your case, but there are rules and standards that these types …
What is Daubert and Why it’s Important to Custody Cases
Daubert refers to a leading case on evidence from the United States Supreme Court and established a standard pertaining to scientific evidence. According to Daubert, the standard used by a trial judge to make a …
How Retirements Can Be Used in Child Support Cases
What we are about to share is a little known and little used tool to help people enforce child support obligations. Most attorneys aren’t even aware of the benefits of retirement accounts when it comes …
What is the Role of Child Support Enforcement Division
The mission of the Child Support Enforcement Division (CSED) is to pursue and ultimately achieve financial and medical support of children by establishing, enforcing, and increasing public awareness of parental obligations. The division is part …
How to Enforce a Child Support Order
If a non-custodial parent fails to pay court-ordered child support, the custodial parent can rest assured that federal and state laws mandate tough enforcement procedures. Those who are delinquent and owe back child support are …
How to Win Your Relocation Case
Relocation cases are some of the most difficult cases that judges have to decide in a child custody case. The burden of proof is on the person seeking to have the children relocate with them. …
What’s the Difference Between Legal Custody and Physical Custody
Often times people confuse the definition of legal custody and physical custody. This is a common mistake but there are significant differences in meaning. Let’s explore legal custody, physical custody and visitation. In New Mexico …
The Role of a Psychological Parent
A psychological parent is an adult who develops a strong, parent-like bond with a child without actually becoming the child’s legal parent. In many cases, a psychological parent is the child’s legal parent’s romantic partner. …
High Wage Earners in New Mexico
Not every child support case is the same. Sometimes, child support cases have very complex facts that can impact on the outcome. For example, if a party has an interest in a non-publicly traded company, …
Discovery Tools to Help With Child Support Calculations
In every family law case, your lawyer, and the lawyer for the other side, need to obtain the information necessary to assess the merits of the case, to prepare for settlement negotiations, and, if necessary, …