New Alimony Guidelines Have an Impact on You

In November 2018, the Supreme Court of NM adopted a new set of Alimony Guidelines. The purpose of the change arose from the changes to the federal law that now treats alimony payments differently than …

What to do When Child Support is Too Expensive

The law requires a non-custodial parent to pay a monthly allowance to help a custodial parent with child rearing expenses. Child support is determined by a court. To ensure consistency in the amount of child …

Tips for Effective Depositions

Depositions are a method of obtaining information during the discovery phase of a case. Pretrial depositions are a core, yet time-consuming part of any litigation. In a complex lawsuit, each party may take upwards of …

The Role of a Therapist in a Custody Case

If your child custody or divorce case goes to trial, you and your spouse will likely call numerous witnesses to testify in court. Many couples wonder whether their therapist or child’s therapist should testify in …

Decision Making in a Custody Case

A custody case is filled with opportunities for making decisions. At every stage with every player the decision making process is important. Judges have to make decisions on who wins custody. Parents have to make …

Factors to Consider in a Custody Case

New Mexico law outlines the factors for a court to consider when awarding child custody. Child custody cases are rarely pretty. Whenever two parents resort to the courtroom to resolve custody issues, it is typically …

When You Should Hire a Lawyer

The question, “Do I Need a Family Law Attorney?” comes up in discussions involving Divorce, and other issues such as, Child Custody, Child Support or Alimony (known as, Spousal support). In New Mexico, there is …

What is a Guardian ad Litem

A “guardian ad litem” (GAL) is a person the court appoints to investigate what solutions would be in the “best interests of a child.” In a family court context, the GAL will look into the …

How Does Alimony and Child Support Interact

Child support is money normally paid based on the gross income of both parents the purpose of which is to support the children’s most basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. The State of New …