Finding Hidden Assets in a Divorce

The process of divorcing a partner might widen the emotional chasm that already exists between them. As a result of the dissolution of the marriage, some partners will go to tremendous measures in order to …

Things That Make Divorce More Expensive

It is impossible to get out of paying expenses associated with the divorce process, such as the filing fees. The cost of a divorce, however, is something that can be controlled by the parties involved …

Why Does Divorce Take So Long?

During a divorce, one of the most common questions that people have is, “Why do some divorces take so long to complete?” Even though the specifics of every divorce are different, there are a few …

Can I Modify Child Support if There is a Remarriage?

People who have been divorced, frequently go on to find new partners and get remarried. According to the findings of the Pew Research Center, approximately 60 percent of Americans who had been divorced (or had …

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Pet Custody

Due to the fact that many people cultivate a profound relationship with their pets and consider them to be a vital part of their family, the question of which spouse gets to keep the pet …

Important Financial Tips for Life After Divorce

Divorce is accompanied by a wide range of feelings for both parties involved. There is a possibility of melancholy and disappointment, but there is also the possibility of an overwhelming sense of anticipation for what …

Common Divorce Issues for High Net Worth Couples

Each divorce entails a unique set of difficulties that must be overcome before both partners can advance to the future phase in their lives. The vast range of assets, numerous properties, and business shares that …

What does Best Interest of the Child Mean?

In New Mexico, the term “best interest of the child” refers to the principles that are used to determine what is best for the child in a given circumstance. This principle is used in many …

Make an Estate Plan Your New Years Resolution

As the new year begins, many people are thinking about resolutions that can be made for ourselves and our families. While it’s common to consider things like starting a new exercise or diet plan, or …

What is an Ex Parte Motion or Order

Ex parte custody orders are issued in cases where there is an emergency involving a child or children. These orders are often sought when one party believes there is a risk of imminent harm or …