Change of Name

Name changes in New Mexico are governed by the New Mexico Statutes Annotated, 40-8-1 et. seq. According to this legislation, any person who is a resident of New Mexico can petition the District Court for …

Step-Parent Adoption

Stepparent adoptions can be a complex and emotional process in the state of New Mexico. When a stepparent wants to adopt their spouse’s child, it can often create tension and conflict with the other biological …

Grandparent Visitation Rights

Grandparent visitation can be a complex and emotional issue for families in New Mexico. When a grandparent is seeking visitation with a grandchild, it can often create tension and conflict with the child’s parents. If …

Elder Law and Family Law Issues

Elder law and family law are two areas of law that often intersect, especially in the state of New Mexico. As individuals age, they may face legal issues related to their care and well-being, such …

Military Divorce

Military divorce can be a complex and unique process, especially in the state of New Mexico. There are several factors that can impact a military divorce, such as jurisdictional issues, the division of military pensions, …

Paternity Disputes

Paternity disputes can be a complex and emotionally charged issue for parents in New Mexico. When a father is unsure if he is the biological parent of a child or a mother wants to establish …

Relocation Disputes

Relocation disputes can be a difficult and emotional process for parents in New Mexico. When one parent wants to move with a child to a new location, it can often create tension and conflict with …

Parenting Plan Modifications

When it comes to parenting plans in New Mexico, it’s important to understand that they are not set in stone. As circumstances change and families evolve, it may be necessary to modify a parenting plan …

Surrogacy Agreements

Surrogacy agreements are becoming increasingly popular as a way for individuals or couples to start or grow their families. Surrogacy involves a woman carrying and giving birth to a child on behalf of someone else. …

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parentage Issues

Assisted reproduction technology (ART) is a term used to describe a variety of medical techniques that are used to help people conceive children. These techniques can include in vitro fertilization (IVF), donor insemination, and surrogacy. …