A New Year and a New You

This is the time of year everyone starts talking about resolutions. Gyms are full, diets are going in full swing and people are optimistic about the future. In that same vein are you optimistic about what 2016 will bring to you and your family? Are you having enough time with your kids? Are you struggling with child support?

Just like a new year is a chance to better your body, your goals your future it’s also the time to better your family situation. Even if you are in a situation that suits you just fine, it’s important to assess the health of your family situation. There are many aspects of your case that can and should be modified based on changing circumstances.

Contact our experts to discuss options for 2016. Whether it’s more time sharing or paying less in support we are your go to experts for family law matters. You can email us at info@JusticeLegalGroup.com or call us at 505-880-8737.