Summer Child Custody Issues Can Cause Problems

It’s important to assess your summer time sharing and custody plan before summer begins. There are three big problems many parents face during the summer when it comes to custody issues. The reason for the challenges is due to changing schedules of children from being out of school, vacations and longer days.

1. Summer Activities: This area usually causes a great deal of confusion and frustration. While the child was in school the parents knew a set schedule associated with school times and practice times. In the summer, however, with flexibility of schedules of parents and children summer activities often cause problems. Children traveling with club teams, parents taking vacations and such cause challenges in the timing and scheduling of ongoing consistent visitation.

2. Vacations: Many parents end up in court over vacation times. The problems usually arise when one parent won’t share itineraries or plans. Another problem arises when the child returns. What is the schedule that the child returns to? Whose day starts and when?

3. Exchange times: This is another area where many fights usually occur. During the summer the sunlight hours are longer. This means that families can do more together for longer periods of time. During the fall and school times when there is school the next day and when it gets dark at 6 p.m. many families are limited in their options. With the summer, many schedules get challenged with the time changes and daylight.

Because of these challenges families need to prepare for summer custody issues. We offer a summer custody app that will help you assess the challenges associated with summer and how best to handle those challenges. The important thing to remember is that proper planning months in advance can save thousands of dollars when it comes to the summer custody challenges. Contact our summer custody experts at or call us at 505-880-8737 for more information on how you can protect your custody time during the summer.